How to dynamically add to a List<Object> in C# -

i have collection class class puts list<ingredient> object, contents of ingredient object list displayed in checklistbox using binding.

what i'm trying when user clicks on 1 of list items information in particular item copied list called list<pizza> mypizza, display on list. reason want data go because once in list<pizza> mypizza more things data.

i have tried doesn't seem work, below collectionclass, windows form , ingredient class. didn't bother putting pizza class same ingredient class know how add listbox using item, want add list add list listbox.

i hope make sense, kind of new programming. thanks.

ingredient class.

public partial class form1 : form {     //list<ingredient> myingredient = new list<ingredient>();     list<pizza> mypizza = new list<pizza>();     collectionclass mycollections = new collectionclass();      public form1()     {         initializecomponent();          mycollections.createlist();          checkedlistboxingredients.datasource = new bindingsource(mycollections.myingredient, null);         checkedlistboxingredients.displaymember = "displayname";     }      private void checkedlistboxingredients_itemcheck(object sender, itemcheckeventargs e)     {         foreach (pizza pizza in mypizza)         {             checkedlistboxingredients.items.add(pizza.toppingname);             checkedlistboxingredients.items.add(pizza.unitname);             checkedlistboxingredients.items.add(pizza.cost);             checkedlistboxingredients.items.add(pizza.descriptionname);         }          if (e.newvalue == checkstate.checked)         {             yourpizza.datasource = new bindingsource(mypizza, null);             yourpizza.displaymember = "displayname";         }     } } 

ingredient class.

public class ingredient {      public string toppingname { get; set; }      public string unitname { get; set; }      public int cost { get; set; }      public string descriptionname { get; set; }       public ingredient(string pizzatoppingname, string pizzatoppingunit, int pizzacost, string pizzadescription)      {          toppingname = pizzatoppingname;          unitname = pizzatoppingunit;          cost = pizzacost;          descriptionname = pizzadescription;      }       public string displayname      {                   {              return toppingname + " $"+cost;          }      }       public override string tostring()      {          return toppingname;      }    } 


public class collectionclass {     public list<ingredient> myingredient = new list<ingredient>();      public void createlist()     {         myingredient.add(new ingredient("cheese", "grams", 3, "grab cheese , sprinkle on top of pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("olives", "grams", 2, "cut olives , sprickle on pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("ham", "grams", 1, "spread cut ham on pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("pineapple", "grams", 1, "spread cut chunks on pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("pepperoni", "pieces", 1, "place slices on pepperoni on pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("onion", "handfuls", 1, "sprinkle cut onion on pizza, try not cry"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("peppers", "grams", 1, "sprinkle cut peppers on pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("anchovy", "grams", 1, "place on top of pizza"));         myingredient.add(new ingredient("mushrooms", "grams", 1, "put gently on top of pizza"));     }      public void displaylist()     {         foreach (ingredient ingred in myingredient)             if (ingred != null)             {                 console.writeline("{0} {1} ${2}.00, {3}",                     ingred.toppingname, ingred.unitname, ingred.cost,                     ingred.descriptionname);             }     } } 


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