MySql order by date asc, followed by user_id -

what query should make achieved outcome

here rows

 user_id    | date 3          | 2017-09-07 2          | 2017-09-08 3          | 2017-09-10 

and desired output in query this

 user_id    | date 3          | 2017-09-07 3          | 2017-09-10 2          | 2017-09-08 

but it's not based on user_id, want query rows order date asc , user_id next each other.

you can use following query:

select user_id, min(date) min_date mytable group user_id 

to earliest-per-user date value.

using above query derived table can achieve required ordering:

select t1.user_id, mytable t1 join (    select user_id, min(date) min_date    mytable    group user_id ) t2 on t1.user_id = t2.user_id order t2.min_date, user_id, 

note: in case 2 or more users share same earliest date query gives precedence user having smallest user_id value.


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