c# - How to make projector only affect some specific part of object? -

i'm working on unity3d fish shooting game. i'm implementing underwater caustic effect fishs. i'm using "bloblightprojector" in standardasset of unity attached script change texture every frame :

public texture2d[] frames; private int frameindex; private projector projector; ... // repeat every frame projector.material.settexture("_shadowtex", frames[frameindex]); frameindex = (frameindex + 1) % frames.length; 

my list caustic textures :

list caustic texture

here achieved : my achieve

now problem want projector affect upper parts of fish (even though rotate fish direction), : my wish

could give me advices how it, or other solution don't use projector so.

it seems me you're going need use custom shader. i'll honest i'm no expert on them there unite 2016 on shaders had example similar this.

i'm sorry don't have code hope @ least small step in right direction


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