php - "Warning: oci_connect(): OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed" and "Warning: oci_connect(): Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804" -

i'm new php , oracle. i'm trying make connection between application in php , oracle database. i'm using:

red hat enterprise linux server release 7.4 (maipo)
php 5.4.16
apache/2.4.6 (red hat enterprise linux)

in order installed oracle client , oci8, having these:

warning: oci_connect(): ocienvnlscreate() failed. there wrong system - please check ld_library_path includes directory oracle instant client libraries in /var/www/html/tts/portal/recursos/php/login/login.php on line 7

warning: oci_connect(): error while trying retrieve text error ora-01804 in /var/www/html/tts/portal/recursos/php/login/login.php on line 7

line 7 has:

$conexion=oci_connect('user', 'pass','ipaddress/dbname');

i read problem environment variables

i have in /root/.bash_profile, following text:

export oracle_home=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64
export ld_library_path=$oracle_home/lib
export nls_lang=american_america.utf8


export path

in /etc/sysconfig/httpd, have:

lang=c oracle_home=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64
export oracle_home
export ld_library_path
export nls_lang

phpinfo() shows me following: apache environment , environment
php variables , oci8

i don't know how fix problems, i'd appreciate



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