java - Execution of program stops and no errors are generated -

i got code

// "status" jlabel field  status.settext(" download data "); url = new url( baseurl ); fileutils.copyurltofile( url, tempfile ); status.settext(" download done... "); 

when code run, "status" gets updated with: download data

the file downloads, , can see when open "tempfile" in notepad. (tempfile.txt)

the next status update i.e "download done", never gets executed, , code follows doesn't executed...

the exception e.printstacktrace() empty...

what goin gon here?

ps, file downloaded plain text file 2000 lines of text in it... , can see of in temporary file created tempfile (tempfile.txt)

i commented code follows after second update, still nothing.

currently i'm downloading file localhost/data.txt

see copyurltofile(url,file)

warning: method not set connection or read timeout and might block forever. use copyurltofile(url, file, int, int) reasonable timeouts prevent this.

there several explanations why download doesn't complete. perhaps there step in protocol triggers @ end of transfer requires use of port system blocking.


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