android - Is it possible to insert/paste image on a custom EditText? -

i wanted create custom text view. little bit advance text editor found here in stackoverflow, can insert text , images. wanted name wordview , create library can reuse across multiple projects.

unfortunately not sure if base class allows this. need way insert/paste images directly in edittext. planning write custom view, although seems laborious, not quite if possible @ , if going right track.

have tried similar before?

according android documentation textview can have drawable object inside textview in following ways

  1. drawablebottom
  2. drawableend
  3. drawableleft
  4. drawableright
  5. drawablestart
  6. drawabletop

there other methods can use, check out:
1. programmatically set left drawable in textview
2. how programmatically set drawableleft on android button?


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