javascript - PHP function fails to return correct result after ~1000 ajax posts -

i'm debugging code , in order repeatedly making ajax post php script on localhost apache24 server. in simple terms, php script takes integer value , returns different data string depending on input integer.

i'm stepping through numerous integer values loop on javascript side, starting @ x=1. i've noticed, however, after ~980 ajax posts, php function stops returning correct data; seems return data x = 980, x continues increment. console.log confirms x value doesn't hang @ 980.

i thought maybe script buggy restarted loop @ x = 980 and, sure enough, php script worked fine until x = ~1900, when stopped working again.

is there reason php script fails work after ~980 requests? have received no errors on either web side or server side.

       function interpretdisplay(input_string) {             var display = input_string.split("?");              (var x = 0; x < 16; x++) {                                     document.getelementbyid("ids").innerhtml = display + " ";             }         }          function rundisplay(x) {             values[1]+= "&seed=" + x;             $.post("test.php", values[1], function(data) {                 console.log(x);                 if (x % 1 == 0) {                     interpretdisplay(data);                                         }                  if (x < 1000) {                     settimeout(function() {                         rundisplay(x+1);                     }                         , 10);                 }             });         }          var url = window.location.href;         var values = url.split('?');          rundisplay(1); 


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