c++ - Why is my code not exiting when Entering 3 in the Command prompt? -

i beginner , taking first c++ programming class. using ide named codeblocks , stumped. have searched forums answer cannot figure out on own.

i trying figure out why code not exiting when entering 3 in menu on command prompt. trying figure out why when trying convert fahrenheit celsius formula not working, when believe correct formula.

the code below:

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib>  using namespace std;  int main ()  {      float celsius;     float fahrenheit;     char x;      //menu user choose option     //preform. looping in case type in incorrect     // response , choose again.         {         cout << "please choose option. please press enter. \n";         cout << "1. convert celsius fahrenheit.\n";         cout << "2. convert fahrenheit celsius. \n";         cout << "3. exit program \n";         cin >> x;         if (x == '1')             system ("cls");         {             cout << "please enter degrees in celsius.  \n";             cin >> celsius;             system ("cls");              fahrenheit = 9.0 / 5 * celsius + 32;             //calculate formula converting celsius fahrenheit.             cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);             cout << fixed << "the degrees in fahrenheit \n" << fahrenheit;             cout << static_cast<char>(248) << endl;             cout << "thank have great day!";              (x = '3');          }            // user not want convert celsius fahrenheit         // since user not want convert, display thank message.           if (x == '2')         {             cout << "please enter degrees in fahrenheit.  \n";             cin >> fahrenheit;               celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5.0 / 9 ;              //calculate formula converting fahrenheit celsius.             cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);             cout << fixed << "the degrees in celsius \n" << celsius;             cout << static_cast<char>(248) << endl;             cout << "thank have great day!";              (x = '3');          } while (x != '3')              return 0;      } } 

your code formating not good. don't do-while loop, when you're ending program after conversion anyway.

here version:

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main() {     float celsius;     float fahrenheit;     char x;      cout << "please choose option. please press enter. \n";     cout << "1. convert celsius fahrenheit.\n";     cout << "2. convert fahrenheit celsius. \n";     cout << "3. exit program \n";     cin >> x;      if(x == '1')     {         cout << "please enter degrees in celsius.  \n";         cin >> celsius;         system("cls");          fahrenheit = 9.0 / 5 * celsius + 32;          printf("the degrees in fahrenheit %0.2f%c\nthank have great day!", fahrenheit, (char)248);     }      else if(x == '2')     {         cout << "please enter degrees in fahrenheit.  \n";         cin >> fahrenheit;         system("cls");          celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5.0 / 9;          printf("the degrees in celsius %0.2f%c\nthank have great day!", celsius, (char)248);     }      else     {         return 0;     }      getchar();     getchar();     return 0; } 


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