jquery - Combining values of javascript objects -

hy guys, have form multiple inputs , dropdowns , depending on user selection final result this:

var optionvariants = [     {        attribute: {           id: 1,           name: 'color'     },        values: ['red', 'green']     },     {        attribute: {           id: 2,           name: 'size'     },        values: ['small', 'medium', 'large']     } ]; 

all want loop trough object , make new object this:

        var newobject = [             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'red'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'small'                     }                 ]             },             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'red'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'medium'                     }                 ]             },             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'red'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'large'                     }                 ]             },             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'green'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'small'                     }                 ]             },             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'green'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'medium'                     }                 ]             },             {                 attributes: [                     {                         id: 1,                         name: 'color',                         value: 'green'                     },                     {                         id: 2,                         name: 'size',                         value: 'large'                     }                 ]             }         ]; 

i have tried create empty arrays, push items in them, loop trough them cannot find correct solution group them want.

i'm not javascript expert , i'm still learning gentle me :d

this have tried:

var option_groups = [     ["red", "green", "blue"],     ["s", "m", "l"],     ["cotton", "silk"] ];  var variants = []; var combos = []; var nnew = []; var variant = []; var option = ""; var ttmp = [] var combo = [];  if (option_groups.length > 1) {     (var in option_groups[0]) {         variants.push([option_groups[0][i]]);     }      (var = 1; < option_groups.length; i++) {         combos = [];          (var j in variants) {             variant = variants[j];             nnew = [];              (var x in option_groups[i]) {                 option = option_groups[i][x];                 ttmp = [];                 (var d in variant) {                     ttmp.push(variant[d]);                 }                 ttmp.push(option);                 nnew.push(ttmp);             }              combos.push(nnew);         }         variants = [];         (var y in combos) {             combo = combos[y];             (var z in combo) {                 variants.push(combo[z]);             }         }     }      console.log(variants); } 

var optionvariants = [      {          attribute: {              id: 1,              name: 'color'          },          values: ['red', 'green']      },      {          attribute: {              id: 2,              name: 'size'          },          values: ['small', 'medium', 'large']      }  ];    var firstobjectvalues = optionvariants[0]['values'];  var secondobjectvalues = optionvariants[1]['values'];  var firstobjectvaluesamount = firstobjectvalues.length;  var secondobjectvaluesamount = secondobjectvalues.length;  var newobject = [];    (var = 0; < firstobjectvaluesamount; i++) {            (var j = 0; j < secondobjectvaluesamount; j++) {          var obj1 = {};          obj1.id = optionvariants[0]['attribute'].id;          obj1.name = optionvariants[0]['attribute'].name;          obj1.value = optionvariants[0]['values'][i];            var obj2 = {};          obj2.id = optionvariants[1]['attribute'].id;          obj2.name = optionvariants[1]['attribute'].name;          obj2.value = optionvariants[1]['values'][j];            var finalobj = {              attributes: [obj1, obj2]          };            newobject.push(finalobj);      }        }    console.log(newobject);

that's it!


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