c# - How to create a class library and embed it into a Unity Project -

i have created 1 package of prefabs in project. these prefabs have c# codes in them , want encrypt these codes no 1 can see actual codes!!

i've seen packages use ".dll" files , in code files use own methods. wanted build dll file code said in link


but couldn't dll file!

what should do?!!

first of all, compiling code dll makes more difficult people read it. doesn't encrypt it per se.

still, if want compile code .dll, you'd need make new project in vs/monodevelop , set outbut class library. then, after building code should nice 'n round dll file in bin folder. far can tell, can embed file unity project drag , dropping onto project window.

more info here: managed plugins

also, remember approach comes important limitation (well, isn't limitation exactly, can confusing @ first). you're creating aassembly, can't reference regular .cs files directly classes in .dll file. means should keep standalone.

also, side note: it's not idea compile asset's code dll file -- if classes inside using unityengine.* or unityeditor.* namespaces. unity editor changing, , each update scripting api changes.

if decide package code way, should take responsibility working on future versions of unity, since people won't know how fix eventual errors.


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