How to set default Matplotlib axis colour cycle -

the default axis colour cycle in matplotlib 2.0 called tab10:

enter image description here

i want use different qualitative colour cycle, such tab20c:

enter image description here

i have used code change default axis colour cycle:

import matplotlib.pyplot plt cycler import cycler  c = plt.get_cmap('tab20c').colors plt.rcparams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=c) 

this looks pretty dirty me. there better way?

as said in comments, it's not clear "better" mean. can think of 2 different ways in addition 1 question, works fine.

(a) use seaborn

just show different way of setting color cycler: seaborn has function set_palette, set matplotlib color cycle. use like

import matplotlib.pyplot plt import seaborn sns sns.set_palette("tab20c", ) 

(b) set cycler axes only

if want cycler each axes individually, may use ax.set_prop_cycle axes ax.

import matplotlib.pyplot plt cycler import cycler  fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(color=plt.get_cmap('tab20c').color‌‌​​s)) 


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