amazon web services - Get facebook images and upload them to S3 or Cloudinary in Elastic Beanstalk -

i'd use elastic beanstalk service application. it's important 1 of feature download user's images facebook. it's not profile image. i'd download let's images albums. using facebook sdk have use token access these images. here problem. don't want store images directly on ebs instance. i'd copy them directly s3 or cloudinary. i've made research , seems cannot fetch remotely s3. seems have download firstly ebs instance , upload s3. doesn't sound solution me. of course can use api gateway + lambda make possible i'd prefer keep simpler. in cloudinary have feature called - fetch remote. i'm not sure if works facebook images. doubts come facebook security protection. i'm not sure if can files without token/session.

questions: 1. assuming have urls these files/images can use cloudinary fetch remote feature them? 2. how can solve issue using s3 , elastic beanstalk? have download image elastic beanstalk instance before upload s3? maybe there better approach? 3. have suggestion solution best using amazon ebs , s3 or cloudinary?

  1. assuming have urls these files/images can use cloudinary fetch remote feature them?

probably. don't see why not. why don't try out?

  1. how can solve issue using s3 , elastic beanstalk? have download image elastic beanstalk instance before upload s3? maybe there better approach?

you have download somewhere first, , upload s3. there isn't another/better way. service has download file , upload s3, can elastic beanstalk or maybe aws lambda function, s3 won't download files itself.

  1. do have suggestion solution best using amazon ebs , s3 or cloudinary?

that's opinion-based, off-topic site. depends on features want, , how willing pay.


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