Android get result of Facebook sharing with OpenGraphAction -

hello i'm following facebook developer page share contents opengraph in android app:

       shareopengraphobject object = new shareopengraphobject.builder()                     .putstring("og:type", "article")                     .putstring("og:title", "smartdonor")                     .putstring("og:description", m.gettesto())                     .putstring("og:url", constants.url_social +                       md5(string.valueof(m.getidmessaggi())))                     .putstring("og:image", constants.url_folder_image_social + "icona_generica.png")                     .build();         shareopengraphaction action = new shareopengraphaction.builder()                 .setactiontype("news.publishes")                 .putobject("article", object)                 .build();          shareopengraphcontent content = new shareopengraphcontent.builder()                 .setpreviewpropertyname("article")                 .setaction(action)                 .build();    , content); 

it's ok question: possible, using, return information in app when sharing action over?

i'have seen in other discussions necessary user login:

shareapi.share(content, new facebookcallback<sharer.result>() {             @override             public void onsuccess(sharer.result result) {                 log.i("success", result.tostring());             }              @override             public void oncancel() {               }              @override             public void onerror(facebookexception error) {                 log.i("error", error.getmessage());              } 



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