for loop in matlab storing values (scalar times vector array) -

i know in matlab how accomplish following task:

if have loop in following lines:

b=[1 2 3 4]; i=1:1:10 x=i.*b end 

the code iterates i-times multiplying scalar times vector b; if put in loop x(i) in order store resulting vector of every iteration, wouldn't i'm looking for. i'm lookig get:

x(1)=[1 2 3 4] x(2)=[2 4 6 8] ... , on 

as in p0w's answer, need two-dimensional matrix store "a vector of vectors". can't use x(n), since addresses single value in one-dimensional matrix.

another solution, maybe closer want, use cell cell array, allow create matrix containing mixed-typed values (so can put vectors too!). quite similar regular array, need curly brackets:

b=[1 2 3 4]; x = cell(1,10);   % preallocating, not necessary idea  = 1:10     x{i} = i*b  % notice curly bracket index end 

note: don't need .* operator, since scalar-matrix multiplication.

you can values with

x{1} = [1 2 3 4]    % again curly brackets x{2} = [2 4 6 8] ... 


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