r - How to remove inside border for a stratified histogram without using package -

i writing function generate stratified histogram. here code. remove inside border (so stack counts separated colour only, not colour , border). ideas?

data("iris")  strathist = function(x, y, ylab = "frequency", xlab = "", main = ""){    cols = hcl(h=seq(0, 300, = 50), fixup = false)    h = hist(x, breaks = 20, plot = f)    tb = table(y, cut(x, h$breaks))    par(mar = rep(4, 4))    plot.new()    barplot(tb, space = 0, ylim = c(-0.4, 2 + max(h$count)), col = cols,           ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main, axisnames = f)     axis(1, 0:(length(h$breaks)-1), h$breaks)    box()    legend("topright", c(rownames(tb)), cex = 0.8, fill = cols) }  with(iris, strathist(sepal.length, species, xlab = "sepal.length", main = "stratified histogram of iris species")) 


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