java - Is there a way to store a dynamodb object for unit tests -

i running lambda function @ point in code receives following object dynamodb:


i run function passing in object, want implement unit test for:

public string deleteitems(itemcollection<scanoutcome> items) {     ...     iterator<item> iterator = items.iterator();     while (iterator.hasnext()) {         item item =;         object id = item.get("id");         deleteitemspec itemspec = new deleteitemspec().withprimarykey("id", id);         somedynamotable.deleteitem(itemspec);         ...     }     ... } 

the problem is hard me recreate test version of 'itemcollection ' in run-time. wondering if instead, can somehow save 1 serializing it, , store locally? , re-instantiate in run-time during unit tests?

similar how in javascript, store json object representation text/json file , reuse later.

is recommended/wise approach? ideal way resolve problem this?

an alternative solution run dynamodb instance locally, seen here: easier dynamodb local testing


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