jquery - How to write the code for slider image -

    <?php               $query1="select * user_photos_offline  ssmid='$ssmid' , status='1' order date_uploaded desc limit 0,5";              $sql=mysql_query($query1);               $count=mysql_num_rows($sql);                 $results=array();              while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){             // $results[]=$row['image'];             ?>             <img src="upload_images/<?php echo $row['image']?>" class="img-responsive image" onclick="showimg('upload_images/<?php echo $row['image']?>')">             <!-- here got images,now showing in row row,but dont want this,i want row , remaining photos come slider, idont know how write code-->             <?php } ?> 

friends ,i want write code image slider,i dont know how write code slider image,for me no need plugin,see below explained...

you can try below code.


  @keyframes slidy { 0% { left: 0%; } 20% { left: 0%; } 25% { left: -100%; } 45% { left: -100%; } 50% { left: -200%; } 70% { left: -200%; } 75% { left: -300%; } 95% { left: -300%; } 100% { left: -400%; } }  body { margin: 0; }  div#slider { overflow: hidden; } div#slider figure img { width: 20%; float: left; } div#slider figure {    position: relative;   width: 500%;   margin: 0;   left: 0;   text-align: left;   font-size: 0;   animation: 30s slidy infinite;  } 

updated link


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