Android "hello world" app in C++ without JNI -

i want write simple "hello world" gui (not cli) app in c++ , run on android device. tried hello-jni sample android ndk package, uses java code , want in pure c++ way, without jni. possible or have to use java wrapper?

it nice old way – without eclipse, c++ code file + makefile.

all traditional android apps, particularly user interface, need activity can launched user home screen's launcher, , activity has in java.

ndk developers welcome use nativeactivity activity, developers not have mess java themselves. there a sample app demonstrating use part of documentation.

it nice old way – without eclipse, c++ code file + makefile.

you don't have use eclipse, , eclipse support ending in ~3 months anyway, have use android sdk , ndk toolchains create apk file, if trying create traditional android app.


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