Rails does not propagate Java exception to ApplicationController -

i have rails website, , models cause backend service. have rescue_from standarderror in applicationcontroller, can capture rails exception, cannot capture exceptions backend service.


class applicationcontroller < actioncontroller::base   rescue_from standarderror |exception|    #  end end 

actual controller:

class statementscontroller < applicationcontroller    def show     # statement     respond_to :js   end end 

if "raise 'error message'" inside show method, applicationcontroller's rescue method can capture error. if statement encounters service exception backend service, applicationcontroller cannot catch it. however, if do

class statementscontroller < applicationcontroller    def show     # statement     respond_to :js      rescue standarderror => e         # don't need write code here           end end 

then applicationcontroller can catch java exception. new rails. can me this? thanks


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