ios - Lottie AnimationView Layer Properties -

is possible layer properties out of lottie animationview?

here simple example, of want do:

lottie animation & uiimage target

lottie animation & uiimage target

i have lottie animation (made in after effects), containing 2 animated layers – circle , star. have moveable uiimageview – target image assigned.

import uikit import lottie  class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller {  // outlets @iboutlet weak var lottieview: uiview! @iboutlet weak var targetimage: uiimageview!  var animationview = lotanimationview()  func loadanimation() {     animationview = lotanimationview(name: "stackoverflow")     animationview.frame = cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 576)     animationview.contentmode = .scaleaspectfit     animationview.loopanimation = true     lottieview.addsubview(animationview) }  override func touchesmoved(_ touches: set<uitouch>, event: uievent?) {      touch in touches {         let location = touch.location(in: self.view)          if targetimage.frame.contains(location) {    = location         }      } }  override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()     loadanimation()     // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. }  override func didreceivememorywarning() {     super.didreceivememorywarning()     // dispose of resources can recreated. }   } 

and here code of stackoverflow.json-file used in example:

    {     "v":"4.10.1",   "fr":50,   "ip":0,   "op":500,   "w":1024,   "h":576,   "nm":"stackoverflowexample",   "ddd":0,   "assets":[      ],   "layers":[       {         "ddd":0,       "ind":1,       "ty":4,       "nm":"formebene 2",       "sr":1,       "ks":{           "o":{             "a":0,           "k":100,           "ix":11         },         "r":{             "a":0,           "k":0,           "ix":10         },         "p":{             "a":1,           "k":[               {                 "i":{                   "x":0.833,                 "y":0.833               },               "o":{                   "x":0.167,                 "y":0.167               },               "n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167",               "t":0,               "s":[                   512,                 288,                 0               ],               "e":[                   512,                 465,                 0               ],               "to":[                   0,                 0,                 0               ],               "ti":[                   0,                 0,                 0               ]             },             {                 "i":{                   "x":0.833,                 "y":0.833               },               "o":{                   "x":0.167,                 "y":0.167               },               "n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167",               "t":250,               "s":[                   512,                 465,                 0               ],               "e":[                   512,                 288,                 0               ],               "to":[                   0,                 0,                 0               ],               "ti":[                   0,                 0,                 0               ]             },             {                 "t":499             }           ],           "ix":2         },         "a":{             "a":0,           "k":[               0,             0,             0           ],           "ix":1         },         "s":{             "a":0,           "k":[               100,             100,             100           ],           "ix":6         }       },       "ao":0,       "shapes":[           {             "ty":"gr",           "it":[               {                 "ty":"sr",               "sy":1,               "d":1,               "pt":{                   "a":0,                 "k":5,                 "ix":3               },               "p":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0,                   0                 ],                 "ix":4               },               "r":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":5               },               "ir":{                   "a":0,                 "k":64.322,                 "ix":6               },               "is":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":8               },               "or":{                   "a":0,                 "k":128.645,                 "ix":7               },               "os":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":9               },               "ix":1,               "nm":"sternengruppe-pfad: 1",               "mn":"adbe vector shape - star",               "hd":false             },             {                 "ty":"st",               "c":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0.521385043275,                   0.521385043275,                   0.521385043275,                   1                 ],                 "ix":3               },               "o":{                   "a":0,                 "k":100,                 "ix":4               },               "w":{                   "a":0,                 "k":16,                 "ix":5               },               "lc":1,               "lj":1,               "ml":4,               "nm":"kontur 1",               "mn":"adbe vector graphic - stroke",               "hd":false             },             {                 "ty":"tr",               "p":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     222.969,                   -51.672                 ],                 "ix":2               },               "a":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0,                   0                 ],                 "ix":1               },               "s":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     100,                   100                 ],                 "ix":3               },               "r":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":6               },               "o":{                   "a":0,                 "k":100,                 "ix":7               },               "sk":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":4               },               "sa":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":5               },               "nm":"transformieren"             }           ],           "nm":"sternengruppe 1",           "np":3,           "cix":2,           "ix":1,           "mn":"adbe vector group",           "hd":false         }       ],       "ip":0,       "op":500,       "st":0,       "bm":0     },     {         "ddd":0,       "ind":2,       "ty":4,       "nm":"formebene 1",       "sr":1,       "ks":{           "o":{             "a":0,           "k":100,           "ix":11         },         "r":{             "a":0,           "k":0,           "ix":10         },         "p":{             "a":0,           "k":[               512,             288,             0           ],           "ix":2         },         "a":{             "a":0,           "k":[               0,             0,             0           ],           "ix":1         },         "s":{             "a":0,           "k":[               100,             100,             100           ],           "ix":6         }       },       "ao":0,       "shapes":[           {             "ty":"gr",           "it":[               {                 "d":1,               "ty":"el",               "s":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     216.156,                   216.156                 ],                 "ix":2               },               "p":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0,                   0                 ],                 "ix":3               },               "nm":"elliptischer pfad 1",               "mn":"adbe vector shape - ellipse",               "hd":false             },             {                 "ty":"st",               "c":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0.521385043275,                   0.521385043275,                   0.521385043275,                   1                 ],                 "ix":3               },               "o":{                   "a":0,                 "k":100,                 "ix":4               },               "w":{                   "a":0,                 "k":16,                 "ix":5               },               "lc":1,               "lj":1,               "ml":4,               "d":[                   {                     "n":"d",                   "nm":"strich",                   "v":{                       "a":0,                     "k":83,                     "ix":1                   }                 },                 {                     "n":"g",                   "nm":"abstand",                   "v":{                       "a":0,                     "k":14,                     "ix":2                   }                 },                 {                     "n":"o",                   "nm":"versatz",                   "v":{                       "a":1,                     "k":[                         {                           "i":{                             "x":[                               0.833                           ],                           "y":[                               0.833                           ]                         },                         "o":{                             "x":[                               0.167                           ],                           "y":[                               0.167                           ]                         },                         "n":[                             "0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167"                         ],                         "t":0,                         "s":[                             -6                         ],                         "e":[                             -395                         ]                       },                       {                           "t":499                       }                     ],                     "ix":7                   }                 }               ],               "nm":"kontur 1",               "mn":"adbe vector graphic - stroke",               "hd":false             },             {                 "ty":"tr",               "p":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     -299.922,                   -55.922                 ],                 "ix":2               },               "a":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     0,                   0                 ],                 "ix":1               },               "s":{                   "a":0,                 "k":[                     100,                   100                 ],                 "ix":3               },               "r":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":6               },               "o":{                   "a":0,                 "k":100,                 "ix":7               },               "sk":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":4               },               "sa":{                   "a":0,                 "k":0,                 "ix":5               },               "nm":"transformieren"             }           ],           "nm":"ellipse 1",           "np":3,           "cix":2,           "ix":1,           "mn":"adbe vector group",           "hd":false         }       ],       "ip":0,       "op":500,       "st":0,       "bm":0     }   ] } 

now want detect, if target image overlapping 1 of 2 layers in lottie animation.

to compare target-uiimageview position of shapes in animation, need access layer properties (frame or position) in lottie animationview.

i haven't found in lottie-documentation – not sure if possible. know if possible?

how access layer properties inside of lottie animation?


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