javascript - VueJS random number gets generated only once -

i want make simple vuejs app ability use multiple apis, grab image , display user. first try vue after watching videos of course, please don't hate me if dont use vuejs function use pure js.

i want user clicks button, request image api. works picks api randomly, flickr api need specify tag (which saved in array, picked randomly too). picks tag once , every time call function again it's same tag! means function gets executed once page reloaded.

why , how can fix it? in advance.

my code far

var vm = new vue({     el: '#app',     data() {         return {             // data             apis: [, this.desktopper()],             wallpaper: '',             wallpapers: [],             screenwidth: window.screen.width,             screenheight: window.screen.height,         }     },     methods: {         // random function         randomnumber(min, max) {             return math.floor(math.random() * (max - min) + min);         },         // main function, calls api , should image source         requestwallpaper() {             var wallpaper = this.apis[ this.randomnumber(0, this.apis.length) ];             console.log(wallpaper);         },         // flickr api request random image         flickr() {             // popular tags of time on flickr (tags needed request images)...             var populartags = ['sunset','beach','water','sky','red','flower','nature','blue','night','white','tree','green','flowers','portrait','art','light','snow','dog','sun','clouds','cat','park','winter','landscape','street','summer','sea','city','trees','yellow','lake','christmas','people','bridge','family','bird','river','pink','house','car','food','bw','old','macro','music','new','moon','orange','garden','blackandwhite'];             // grab random tag             var tag = populartags[ this.randomnumber(0, populartags.length) ];             return tag;         },         // api request random image         desktopper() {             return 'desktoppr';         }     } }); 


<body> <div id="app">     <div>         <div>             <img id="random" src="" />         </div>         <div>             <button v-on:click="requestwallpaper">new wallpaper</button>         </div>     </div> </div> </body> 

the problem you're apis array.

apis: [, this.desktopper()], 

you're calling both flickr() , desktopper() methods. that's parenthesis () means, they're can pass arguments method. instead, should exclude parenthesis you're storing reference each method.

apis: [, this.desktopper], 

then, when call requestwallpaper() you'll need first random api, , then call reference.

// reference random api var api = this.apis[ this.randomnumber(0, this.apis.length) ]; // call reference, parenthesis , wallpaper result var wallpaper = api() 


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