multithreading - Java Unisex Bathroom monitor -

i have solve problem monitor locks. did code need advice logic. in output example seems checks case of 1 person occupied bathroom , other 1 waiting turn (i'm sorry english, trying discribe can). here output:

man 0 enters bathroom man 0 in bathroom man 0 exits bathroom man 0 enters bathroom man 0 in bathroom man 0 exits bathroom woman 1 enters bathroom woman 1 in bathroom man 2 in waiting------------>>>> woman 1 exits bathroom man 2 in bathroom man 2 exits bathroom woman 2 enters bathroom woman 2 in bathroom woman 2 exits bathroom

and here code of 4 functions.

public void woman_wants_to_enter(int i) throws interruptedexception {      lock.lock();     try {          if (occupiedcount < numberoftoilets) {              if (menusingn == 0) {                  if (womenwaitingn == 0) {                     system.out.println("woman " + + " enters bathroom ");                     womenusingn++;                     occupiedcount++;                 } else {                     while (womenwaitingn != 0) {                         system.out.println("woman " + + " in waiting------------>>>>");                         womenwaitingn++;                         womenwaitingqueue.await();                     }                 }             } else {                 while (menusingn != 0) {                     system.out.println("woman " + + " in waiting------------>>>>");                     womenwaitingn++;                     womenwaitingqueue.await();                 }             }          } else {             while (occupiedcount == numberoftoilets) {                 system.out.println("woman " + + " in waiting------------>>>>");                 womenwaitingn++;                 womenwaitingqueue.await();             }         }      } {         lock.unlock();     } }  public void woman_leaves(int i) throws interruptedexception {      lock.lock();     try {          womenusingn--;         occupiedcount--;         system.out.println("woman " + + " exits bathroom ");          if (womenwaitingn > 0) {             womenwaitingqueue.signal();             womenusingn++;             occupiedcount++;             womenwaitingn--;         } else if (menwaitingn > 0 && womenusingn == 0) {             menwaitingqueue.signal();             menusingn++;             occupiedcount++;             menwaitingn--;         }      } {         lock.unlock();     }  }  public void man_wants_to_enter(int i) throws interruptedexception {     lock.lock();     try {          if (occupiedcount < numberoftoilets) {              if (womenusingn == 0) {                  if (womenwaitingn > 0) {                     womenwaitingqueue.signal();                     womenusingn++;                     occupiedcount++;                     womenwaitingn--;                 } else {                     menusingn++;                     occupiedcount++;                     system.out.println("man " + + " enters bathroom ");                     menwaitingqueue.signal();                 }             } else {                 while (womenusingn != 0) {                     system.out.println("man " + + " in waiting------------>>>>");                     menwaitingn++;                     menwaitingqueue.await();                 }             }          } else {             while (occupiedcount == numberoftoilets) {                 system.out.println("man " + + " in waiting------------>>>>");                 menwaitingn++;                 menwaitingqueue.await();             }         }      } {         lock.unlock();     } }  public void man_leaves(int i) throws interruptedexception {     lock.lock();     try {          menusingn--;         occupiedcount--;         system.out.println("man " + + " exits bathroom ");          if (womenwaitingn > 0 && menusingn == 0) {             womenwaitingqueue.signal();             womenusingn++;             occupiedcount++;             womenwaitingn--;         } else if (menwaitingn > 0) {             menwaitingqueue.signal();             menwaitingn--;             menusingn++;             occupiedcount++;         }     } {         lock.unlock();     } } 

i'll appreciate advice btw numberoftoilets=3;

    private lock lock = new reentrantlock(); private condition womenwaitingqueue = lock.newcondition(); private condition menwaitingqueue = lock.newcondition();  private int womenwaitingn = 0; private int menwaitingn = 0; private int womenusingn = 0; private int menusingn = 0; private int numberoftoilets; private int occupiedcount;  public bathroom(int numberoftoilets, int occupiedcount) {     this.numberoftoilets = numberoftoilets;     this.occupiedcount = occupiedcount; } 

main function

    public static void main(string args[]) {      thread[] women = new thread[3];     thread[] men = new thread[3];     int numberoftoilets = 3;     int occupiedcount = 0;     bathroom thebathroom = new bathroom(numberoftoilets, occupiedcount);      (int = 0; < 3; i++)         women[i] = new thread(new woman(i, thebathroom));      (int = 0; < 3; i++)         men[i] = new thread(new man(i, thebathroom));      (int = 0; < 3; i++)         women[i].start();      (int = 0; < 3; i++)         men[i].start(); } 

woman class

class woman implements runnable { private int n; /* identifies woman. */ private bathroom thebathroom;  public woman(int n, bathroom b) {     this.n = n;     this.thebathroom = b; }  public void run() {     (int = 0; < 3; i++) {         try {             thread.sleep((long) (500 * math.random()));         } catch (interruptedexception e) {         }         try {             thebathroom.woman_wants_to_enter(n);         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         system.out.println("woman " + n + " in bathroom ");         try {             thread.sleep((long) (500 * math.random()));         } catch (interruptedexception e) {         }         try {             thebathroom.woman_leaves(n);         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 

} man class

class man implements runnable { private int n; /* identifies man */ private bathroom thebathroom;  public man(int n, bathroom b) {     this.n = n;     this.thebathroom = b; }  public void run() {     (int = 0; < 3; i++) {          try {             thread.sleep((long) (500 * math.random()));         } catch (interruptedexception e) {         }          try {             thebathroom.man_wants_to_enter(n);         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         system.out.println("man " + n + " in bathroom ");         try {             thread.sleep((long) (500 * math.random()));         } catch (interruptedexception e) {         }         try {             thebathroom.man_leaves(n);         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 


your code shows men , women should not enter bathroom @ same time. seams work fine if persons of different gender want enter. try if it's working if several person of same gender want enter bathroom.


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