c# - Messages delayed to manually created azure queue -

different behavior seen on azure queue created manually , 1 created programatically.

i have 2 azure queues. 1 created manually through azure portal (arm) , 1 created c# program using azure sdk (2.9) namespacemanager class.

i have no problem sending messages programatically created queue using queueclient class (from same or different instance of program 1 created queue). if use same code send message manually created queue messages not come through, @ least not @ first; severely delayed. have not yet managed work out exact delay it's @ least hours, possibly days. haven't been able prove yet whether messages come through or if ever lost. can't see significant difference between properties of queue might explain different behavior.

once message has appeared on queue, no further delays observed.

is there reason why there delay in manually created queue?

edit: further investigation shows messages new manually created queue in new service bus in entirely new region don't have delay, messages second manually created queue in new bus do. @ least messages on queue2 haven't come through yet (few minutes). time tell if eventally show up.

a namespace should allow multiple entities. according documentation, 10,000. there's off specific namespace. try delete , recreate it. alternatively, follow microsoft support investigate happened. take time , if need namespace name, block until investigation over.


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