javascript - Trouble with inserting JS variable into MySQL table with PHP with AJAX -

i pretty beginner of these technologies, have been stuck day on thought simple process. basically, i'm trying pass parameter in js function through php code using ajax, , inserting parameter database.

the js function in .html file.

    function pushdata(paramdata) {     $.ajax({         url: "databasestuff.php",         type: "post",         data: paramdata         }); } 

i wish insert sql table whatever have put parameters. example below code should create 3 new database entries. have these hooked buttons in actual project.

pushdata('it wednesday'); pushdata('my dudes'); pushdata('ahhhhhhh!');  


<?php  $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "default", "testdb"); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { echo "failed connect mysql: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " .  $mysqli->connect_error; } echo $mysqli->host_info . "<br>";  $paramdata = $_post['paramdata'];  $sql = "insert testdbtable (name, text) values ('joe', '$paramdata')";  ?> 

my php connecting mysql db since getting proper 'localhost via tcp/ip' message, however, getting stuck on:

"notice: undefined index: paramdata in c:\wamp64\www\databasestuff.php on line 23

help appreciated! not concerned sql injection vulnerability code never leave localhost.

try writing ajax data parameters this

data: {     'paramdata':paramdata } 

also, never queried data.

mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); 

but error you're getting, it's because of ajax data parameters.


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