database - mongodb show dbs listDatabases failed -

i new mongo db. installed mongo db on mac,

after watching youtube video

in mongo shell, entered show dbs , wired output. kindly me understand , solve this

> show dbs 2017-09-11t02:45:34.298+0530 e query    [thread1] error: listdatabases failed:{     "ok" : 0,     "errmsg" : "unable open cursor @ uri statistics:table:collection-2-2362555297355466682. reason: no such file or directory",     "code" : 43,     "codename" : "cursornotfound" } : _geterrorwithcode@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:25:13 mongo.prototype.getdbs@src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:62:1 shellhelper@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:659:15 @(shellhelp2):1:1 

i experienced issue today, installing latest version of mongodb homebrew , launching mongo shell , entering command "show dbs". tested multiple times , spent time researching it. symptoms match issue reported here: issue described building wiredtiger separately mongodb , using out of date version of wiredtiger.

while not case , have experienced (note homebrew installing 3.4.9 , wiredtiger 2.9.2), guessed similar mismatch between wiredtiger , mongodb, decided try installing different version.

i ended installing latest "dev" version using homebrew command:

brew install mongodb --devel 

this installs mongodb 3.5.13 , wiredtiger 3.0.0 not have issue. note 3.4.9 released day reported issue , 3.5.13 released next day, although 3.4.9 still current community edition listed here:


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