random forest - R: RandomForest : Having 2 columns in output of predict -

is possible output data of prediction model data frame against dates. getting response :

       3         4         6        10        11        13        14        21        33  3.512291  3.336686  3.770743  3.503125  3.410734  3.990457  2.641872  1.933128  4.030045   ... 

the output want is:

date        per re count 2017-01-01  3.512291  2017-01-02  3.336686  ... 

the dates against dates in predict date column.

the test set follows

date        per re count 2017-01-01  3.512291  2017-01-02  3.336686 2017-01-03  3.437686  ... 


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