converting queue to linked list when using operator== c++ -

i have queue , linked list. trying call operator== function in linked list through queue function. assignment asking me compare 2 queues , see if same. have included functions each file giving me trouble.

the error message i'm getting "c2664 'bool list::operator ==(list &)': cannot convert argument 1 'const q' 'list &'"


   class q    {    public:       q();       q(const q &queue);       ~q();      bool operator==(const q &queue);      private:       list queue;        }; 


    q::q(){}//constuctor      q::q(const q &queue){}//copy constructor      q::~q(){}//deconstuctor         bool q::operator==(const q &queue1)//this problem     {       return queue.operator==(queue1);      } 


    class list     {     private:     struct node     {         int data;         node* next;             node() : next(null) {} //define our own default constructor         node(int data) : next(null), data(data) {}     };      typedef struct node* noderef;       noderef head;         noderef tail;     noderef iterator;     noderef current1;     int size;     public:         list();     ~list();      list(const list &list);     bool operator==(list &queue);// have problem    }; 


   bool list::operator==(list& queue)     {         if (size != queue.size)             return false;        iterator = head;          noderef temp = queue.head;          while (iterator != null)             {             if (iterator->data != temp->data)                 return false;             temp = temp->next;            iterator = iterator->next;       }       return true;       } 


    q k,qw;      if (k == qw)         cout << "lists equal!\n";     else         cout << "lists unequal!\n"; 

please help.

you need compare like, in case q has queue element (which list), when comparing objects of type q, need compare queue elements.

as have operator == list class, straightforward.

bool q::operator==(const q &queue1) {   return queue == queue1.queue; } 


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