what is npm doing differently when loading a project with a github url vs the usual npm install? -

there's npm module i'm using, works fine in project when installed npm , semver, fails below error when try install github url.

the error: uncaught error: removecomponentasreffrom(...): reactowner can have refs. might removing ref component not created inside component'srendermethod, or have multiple copies of react loaded

i'm loading same version of module, not changing build configs, difference loading semver vs github url.

i should say, module's lib folder not checked github. run build of module manually.

i'm using webpack build. suspect problem copies of react being loaded, doesn't seem have changed, , webpack seems handling duplicates.

npm ls react:

├── react@15.6.1 ├─┬ react-color@2.2.0 │ └─┬ reactcss@0.4.6 │ └── react@0.14.9 └─┬ react-with-context@1.2.1 └── react@15.6.1 deduped

a little confused, tips appreciated

(if makes difference, error seems thrown dependency of module i'm testing. , in both modules (the 1 i'm testing + dependency), react listed peerdependency package.json)


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