android - How can I fill RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager from right to left -

i'm trying fill data recyclerview gridlayoutmanager:

gridlayoutmanager layoutmanager = new gridlayoutmanager(this, 3, gridlayoutmanager.vertical, false); 

this fill data grid left right. first item put top-left place, etc.

but app i'm developing designed rtl language, need make fill right left.

i tried change last argument true. scrolled recyclerview way down.

also setting layoutdirection attribute recyclerview doesn't work (without considering min api 16 , attribute added api17+):

<         android:id="@+id/grid"         android:layoutdirection="rtl"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="match_parent"/> 

how can create right left filled grid using recyclerview?

create class extends gridlayoutmanager ,and override islayoutrtl() method this:

public class rtlgridlayoutmanager extends gridlayoutmanager {      public rtlgridlayoutmanager(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr, int defstyleres) {         super(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres);     }      public rtlgridlayoutmanager(context context, int spancount) {         super(context, spancount);     }      public rtlgridlayoutmanager(context context, int spancount, int orientation, boolean reverselayout) {         super(context, spancount, orientation, reverselayout);     }      @override     protected boolean islayoutrtl(){         return true;     } } 


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