c - How do I handle a calender without a massive 12x12 switch statement? -

i'll heading tutoring tomorrow, i'd see if can explanation here. tried ask friend class, explanation didn't make sense.

i'm supposed take user's input in form of structure holds day, month, , year.

here's have right now:

enum month {         jan = 1, feb, mar, apr, may, june, jul, aug, sept,         oct, nov, dec };  struct date_t {         unsigned short month;         unsigned short day;         unsigned short year; };  int main(void) {         date_t date; /*allocates space 3 unsigned shorts,         date*/          printf("please enter month integer: \n");         scanf("%hu");          printf("please enter day integer: \n");         scanf("%hu");          printf("please enter year integer: \n");         scanf("%hu");          return 0; } 

so, here's issue.

i write absolutely massive 12x12 (144 options) switch statement every single case of month + zodiac sign combination, that's insanity. don't know here.

the idea if user entered:

8 (month)  28 (day)  12 (year) 

my program should output:

august 28th, 2012, virgo 

the main issue haven't learned way store strings variable yet. that's past we've done.

so make 1 switch statement 12 cases (one each month) , give each 1 different "printf" statement starting ("month %d, %d", date.day, date.year)

but how do zodiac sign? also, that's 12 cases, feels little ridiculous.

my teacher suggested converting julian dates, , understand how, seems i'd need complicated loop switch statement or bunch of if/elses in there.

what in world doing wrong? simpler solution?


i managed solve 2/3 of problem. i'm running different one.

i need deal leap years (whatever means) , find sign. gah.

edit 2: figured out! wish show code without making post absolutely absurdly long. works though! happy! need make menu system it. ;-;

i think thinking have make print statement prints whole line @ once, can have multiple print statements, each prints part of line.

since learning exercise, don't want give away, realize print answer this:

printf("august "); printf("28th, "); printf("2012, "); printf("virgo"); printf("\n"); 


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