javascript - $this - can't find the correct jQuery selector -

i'm having real trouble finding selectors use show divs on page html structure overly complicated (wordpress comments system).

instead of pasting here i've created simplified version of layout , created couple of fiddles.

  1. this full page div's displayed :

  1. this how want work. reply box , associated existing comments hidden until "reply" clicked , hidden divs slidedown. i've included "non-working" js in fiddle. can show me i'm going wrong?

 (function ($) { $('.single-f3ed-reply').hide(); $('.f3ed-reply').hide(); $('a.this-reply').click(function () {     $('.single-f3ed-reply').hide();     $(this).parents().next('.single-f3ed-reply').slidedown('fast');     $(this).parents().next('.f3ed-reply').slidedown('fast');     return false; });  })(jquery); 

any appreciated.

.parents() returns all elements above selected element. don't want this, want go far containing div/wrapper.

.next() returns next item (filtered), makes no sense in context of parents()

go nearest wrapping div (closest), down again (find) item want:

    $(this).closest(".stream-wrap").find('.single-f3ed-reply').slidedown('fast');     $(this).closest(".stream-wrap").find('.f3ed-reply').slidedown('fast');


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