android - Issue in changing the color of a word in strings.xml -

i created layout alertdialog in there's textview shows text. text have item in strings.xml change color of single word, in image below. tried this:

<string name="dialog_text">text... <font fgcolor="#000000">thewordiwantinblack</font> text text text.</string> 

the issue when run on device (galaxy note3) shows text in dialog except word in <font> tag on emulator (nexus 5 android 6.0) ok, how want it. me?

enter image description here

in fgcolor replace #000000 black, like

<string name="dialog_text">text... <font fgcolor="black">thewordiwantinblack</font> text text text.</string> 

this works on relatively short list of built-in colors: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, , yellow


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