cordova - phonegap, jquery: function for <a> -

<a href="" class="link" id="4" >stackoverflow</a>  <script> $('.link').click(function(){      var idx = $(this).attr('id');      visit(idx); }) </script> 

i want make function run before browser opened.

the function visit() defined , doesn't have error.

for reason, visit(idx) ignored.

can give me hints?

you have prevent default behaviour of clicked link:

$('.link').click(function(e){      e.preventdefault();      var idx =;      visit(idx); }) 

now depending visit() function doing, can after completes (i guess async method), redirect browser specific link done clicking on former link.

for example, inside click handler , supposing visit() returns promise (ajax request e.g):

visit(idx).always(function(){;}.bind(this)); or using window.location = this.href;

but more specific help, need post visit() method code in question itself.


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