
Showing posts from January, 2010

animation - Automatic PowerPoint presentation -

i prepared powerpoint presentation , present in different way. have idea of using special software bot animations read slides. can talking tom or more simple. please can me - possible? can share soft name/web links? thanks in advance

wordpress - Add a custom field to Contact Form 7 tag -

i'd add custom field cf7 tag. ( see image ) there add_filter hook can use ? please me. thankk well, may have misunderstood want , : this how cf7 register text fields shorttags : add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'wpcf7_add_shortcode_text' ); function wpcf7_add_shortcode_text() { wpcf7_add_shortcode( array( 'text', 'text*', 'email', 'email*', 'url', 'url*', 'tel', 'tel*' ), 'wpcf7_text_shortcode_handler', true ); } note hook wpcf7_init function wpcf7_add_shortcode() , if make our own example : add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'custom_add_shortcode_hello' ); function custom_add_shortcode_hello() { wpcf7_add_shortcode( 'helloworld', 'custom_hello_shortcode_handler' ); // "helloworld" type of form-tag } and callback handler function custom_hello_shortcode_handler( $tag ) { return 'hello world ! '; } no

groovy - Is if(!x) the same as if(x!=null) -

i know sort of duplicate of is if(pointervar) same if(pointervar!=null)? , have ask anyway. in groovy, have following: def x = somemethod() if( !x ) { // stuff } this standard null check, ie (x != null) , right? no. if in groovy calls underlying asboolean() method. known groovy truth . empty lists, empty strings, empty maps, null, 0 , falsy values: if ([:]) { assert false } if (null) { assert false } if ("") { assert false } if (0) { assert false } assert null.asboolean() == false assert 1.asboolean() you can write asboolean in own classes.

shell - Pass .txt list of .jpgs to convert (bash) -

i'm working on exercise requires me write shell script function take single command-line argument directory. script takes given directory, , finds .jpgs in directory , sub-directories, , creates image-strip of .jpgs in order of modification time (newest on bottom). so far, i've written: #!bin/bash/ dir=$1 #the first argument given saved dir variable #find .jpgs in given directory #then ls run .jpgs, date format %s (in seconds) #sed lets 'cut' process ignore spaces in columns #fields 6 , 7 (the name , time stamp) cut , sorted modification date #then, field 2 (the file name) selected input #finally, entire sorted output saved in .txt file find "$dir" -name "*.jpg" -exec ls -l --time-style=+%s {} + | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d' ' -f6,7 | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2 > jgps.txt the script correctly outputs directory's .jpgs in order of time modification. part struggling on how give list in .txt file convert -append

android - CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() + AlertDialog -

i'm trying work multiple checkboxes inside alert dialog, made it, when click in check, code make boom! here piece of activity (the alert dialog) extends appcompactactivity , doesn't implements nothing, it's worthy distinguish button cancel , accept working. additionalbox.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { layoutinflater layoutinflater = layoutinflater.from(productactivity.this); final view additionalview = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.dialog_additionals, null); // set custom dialog components - text, buttons, accountants textview titledialog = (textview) additionalview.findviewbyid(; titledialog.settypeface(boldfont); button buttonaccept = (button) additionalview.findviewbyid(; buttonaccept.settypeface(boldfont); button buttoncancel = (button) additionalview.findvi

jquery - What is Uncaught ReferenceError -

so, long story short, don't know js or jquery @ all. have friend, however, does. sounds ridiculous, wrote me bit of code before leaving country on tour of europe , i'm getting uncaught referenceerror. can't hold of him, because he's gone now, , need working. i'm getting error: uncaught referenceerorr: iscjs not defined and here's code: function selectnextchoice(option, choice) {'init: selectnextchoice( option, ' + choice + ' )'); if (choice > 3) { return; } if ($choices.find('#choice' + choice + ' .option').length == 0) { $clone = option.clone(); if ('undecided' !='option')) {{ 'selected': true, 'number': choice }).addclass('selected'); option.find('> .overlay').html

javascript - how to get result of getjson promise inside $.when function? -

using following code try data of 2 getjson calls array when both getjson called completed. code give me error: resultfromurl1.feed undefined var entry1 = resultfromur11.feed.entry; i looked @ f12 saw both getjson executed no data put array! how fix error ? furthermor should use $.when(url1promise, url2promise).then or $.when(url1promise, url2promise).done ? <javascript> var files = new array(); function pushtoarray() { //first getjson call var url1 = ""; var url1promise = $.getjson(url1, function (data) { console.log("url1 success"); });//end of ajax call //second getjson call var url2 = ""; var url2promise = $.getjson(url2, function (data) { console.log("

c# - Use a type generated from reflection as a generic type parameter? -

i getting type set string via var resultingtype = type.gettype(stringoftype); and works giving correct type. then using fluent-nhibernate database mapping try pull class (a table in database) so repo.getqueryable<resultingtype>.where(e => =1) i'm not sure if caliburn.micro important not let me call on resultingtype. doing wrong? you should use reflection it, example: var method = repo.gettype().getproperty("getqueryable").getmethod.makegenericmethod(resultingtype); then can use createdelegate or invoke - depends on needs.

javascript - How can I properly close this jQuery statement -

i have been on 6 hours now. processed through several lint tools , various other online tests, , cannot below statement close properly. there persistent error being generated on last line, lint says } required, tried among many other variations of }, )} }) w/ , w/out ; , many other variations of 2x 3x or more closing brackets, parentheses , semi-colons. checked , rechecked opening , closing statements ensure match up. assume not seeing something! if fresh set of eyes can @ , see missing , doing wrong. (function ($) { "use strict"; var slider = null; $(document).on("mouseover", '.bb_menu_item', function () { slider.stopauto(); slider.gotoslide($(this).attr('index')); }); $(document).on("mouseout", '.bb_menu_item', function () { slider.startauto(); }); $(document).ready(function () { if ($('#bbslider').length) { slider = $('#bb_slider').bxslider({ controls: false,

c# - Setup View engine in ASP.NET MVC6 to work with AspNet.TestHost.TestServer in Unit Tests -

how setup view engine in mvc 6 work test host created testserver . i've tried implement trick mvc 6 repo: [fact] public async task callmvc() { var client = gettesthttpclient(); //call homecontroller.index home/index.cshtml content httprequestmessage request = new httprequestmessage(httpmethod.get, "/"); var response = await client.sendasync(request); var content = await response.content.readasstringasync(); passert.istrue(() => content != null); } private httpclient gettesthttpclient(action<iservicecollection> configureservices = null) { var applicationservices = callcontextservicelocator.locator.serviceprovider; var applicationenvironment = applicationservices.getrequiredservice<iapplicationenvironment>(); var librarymanager = applicationservices.getrequiredservice<ilibrarymanager>(); var startupassembly = typeof(startup).assembly; var applicationname = startupassembly.getname().name;

javascript - HTML5/webcomponents: Call prototype function from template code -

i'm making tests using (or not) web components in single page app i'm creating. here's example problem: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <template id="atemplate"> <div style="border:1px solid red"> <p>text <input type="text"></p> <button>clickme</button> </div> </template> <script> var proto = object.create(htmlelement.prototype); proto.createdcallback = function () { var t = document.queryselector('#atemplate'); var clone = document.importnode(t.content, true); this.createshadowroot().appendchild(clone); }; proto.afunction = function() { alert("proto " + "text value?"); } document.registerelement('x-proto', {prototype: proto

content management system - Typo3 LanguageMenu Error "sr_language_menu_pi1" no rendering definition -

shortly, needed friend, move complete typo3 install provider. there no chance in getting developer @ all. i exported , imported tables downloaded of folder , uploaded again i set new installtool password , added new administrator i updated mysql-connection now seems work correctly, besides error calling @ top of page (where language selection supposed be) saying: error: content element type "sr_language_menu_pi1" has no rendering definition! for now, tried hide annoying layer css-property display none ;) but it's website need have multiple languages enabled. i have no experience typo3, please describe possible solutions simple possible. this error happens e.g. under typo3 6.2.17. you must have sysfolder called "templates" create new extension template setup extension sr_language_menu. (template module) use title "+ext sr_language_menu". there enter constants part this: plugin.tx_srlanguagemenu { addselection

node.js - nodejs-cassandra wont insert ints -

ive tried lot of things fixed seems result in 1 or other error. below code using execute insert query. req.client.execute("insert users (id,username,email,password,userfolder) values (now(),'"+newuser.username+"','""','"+newuser.password+"',"+newuser.userfolder+");",function(err,result){ if(err){ console.log(err.message) }else{ console.log("new user created") } }); the newuser.userfolder defined in array new date().gettime() ive tried doing parseint(userfolder: new date().gettime()); seems result in either error also if try number(userfolder :new data().gettime()); not work , results in second error below; another thing tried typing newuser.userfolder.valueof() results in second error. invalid string constant (1443827057269) "userfolder" of type int or unable make int

ios - App Crashes on Launch w/ Testflight -

i'm having problems app submitted apple submission asked re-do simple marketing issue (we needed remove image of app screen had third party apps). unfortunately, when have prepared app re-submission , distribute via testflight app crashes on launch. subsequent launch works, however. happens testflight build - when release build xcode using production provisioning profile works, , when debug build works. thinking must have made mistake pulled exact commit repo previous submission, crashing exact same way. only ipad mini 2 reports crash logs via xcode organizer (my iphone 6 not), , read (though checked box include debug symbols): incident identifier: bdc2e493-9794-42d8-b9f6-f74def432aa2 beta identifier: f34f1b0b-44f0-4e9c-a8f6-46861edb0b39 hardware model: ipad4,4 process: app [6660] path: /private/var/mobile/containers/bundle/application/1edc2e96-e4e0-4148-af7d-478a8c2fa5d9/my app identifier: version:

java - Replace reoccurring substring with array values when there are more substrings than values -

public static string updatedstr() { string [] ar= {"green","red","purple","black"}; string str="the colors (blue), (blue), , (yellow). prefer (orange)"; stringbuilder out = new stringbuilder (); int x = 0; int pos = 0; for(int = str.indexof('(', 0); != -1; = str.indexof('(', + 1)) { out.append (str.substring(pos,i)); // add part between last ) , next ( out.append (ar[x++]); // add replacement word pos = str.indexof(')', i) + 1; } out.append (str.substring(pos)); // add part after final ) return out.tostring (); } i able replace whatever inside parentheses elements string array. here, achieve output of "the colors green, red, , purple. prefer black." now, trying implement scenario string [] ar= {"green","red"} . i output "the colors green, red, , (yellow). prefer (orange)." as can see,

tomcat - Java converting Jar project to War Project -

i've built java program logs game server , asks user input id , sends packer game server , parses , prints out reply. i need convert api run on tomcat assume? i've installed tomcat on server not sure , correct way convert be. any appreciated. i have done similar things in past. turn regular applications web applications. or more put, wrapping application inside servlet web application can controlled via http api. by way there multiple ways this. many in fact. 1 way. servlets java interface allows developers create server, http server, though not limited that. tomcat servlet container. means can create servlet, register servlet container, either using special file called web.xml or annotations. in example below use webservlet annotation register servlet tomcat. once registered, tomcat send requests destined application (the name of war file) , specific servlet (the registered urlpatterns, see example below). if war file named "mywebserver",

android - How to create listview in fragment that is part of navigation drawer -

listed below fragment in navigation drawer attempting make listview in. there error on 2 lines, 1 starts setlistadapter , listview. says error there on those. how go fixing it. error:(29, 9) error: cannot find symbol method setlistadapter(arrayadapter) error:(30, 25) error: cannot find symbol method getlistview() note: input files use or override deprecated api. note: recompile -xlint:deprecation details. error:execution failed task ':app:compiledebugjavawithjavac'. compilation failed; see compiler error output details. public class first extends fragment { view myview; @nullable string[] courses = {"1", "2", "3"}; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){ super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); } @override public void onactivitycreated(bundle savedinstancestate){ super.onactivitycreated(savedinstancestate); setlistadapter(new arrayadapter<string>(getactivity(), android.r.layout.simple_list

javascript - Google Sign-in: how to avoid popup dialog if user is already signed in by using listeners? -

right i'm using auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {}, onsuccess, onerror); . works, if i've signed in, dialog box opens , closes right away rather ugly. there way around using listeners ? i played around example i'm not sure if listening changes current user need, , check of googleuser seems risky. auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({client_id: 'xxxxx'}); auth2.currentuser.listen(function (user) { googleuser = user; if (typeof(googleuser.getbasicprofile()) !== 'undefined') document.getelementbyid('signupasgoogle').addeventhandler('click', popuplateform); else auth2.attachclickhandler(document.getelementbyid('signupasgoogle'), {}, onsuccess, onerror); is there better way? thanks here did solve same problem! auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({ clientid: '${clientid}', cookiepolicy: '${cookie_policy}', }); auth2.currentuser.listen(function (googleuser) { if (googleuser.iss

java - Why OnTouchListener is not set for me? -

i working on custom view called canvasview . view allows me draw stuff on outside of ondraw method. this: public class canvasview extends view { private arraylist<shape> shapes; private paint paint; public canvasview (context c) { super(c); init (); } public canvasview(context context, attributeset attrs) { super (context, attrs); init (); } public canvasview(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr) { super (context, attrs, defstyleattr); init (); } private void init () { shapes = new arraylist<> (); paint = new paint (); paint.setstrokewidth (5); paint.setcolor (; } //focus on method, think others irrelevant @override public void setontouchlistener (final ontouchlistener listener) { final ontouchlistener baselistener = new ontouchlistener () { @override public boolean ontouch

javascript - Using JQuery to delay loading of div, code not working in Chrome (window.onload) -

i'm using code below delay loading of div until entire web page loaded. works in firefox , safari (because each have lines in code make sure works each, haven't tested ie yet), not in chrome (which should, think, work window.onload ). could please me out this? <script type="text/javascript"> function insertfb(){ var html='<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-show-posts="true"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=""><a href="">bob caputo living well</a></blockquote></div></div>'; $("#fb_page").html(html); } if (document.addevent

validation - Laravel 5 dynamic form validatioin -

i have form has fields can added dynamicly. works fine, when add fields , submit , make mistake on purpose , validation fails, dynamicly created fields disappear. let's have 3 static fields , 1 dinamicly added. looks that static fields: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 dynamic fields: keyword4 the validation error message this: the keyword0 field required. keyword1 field required. keyword2 field required. keyword3 field required. fields 0,1,2 in the form values filled them, field 3 not that. how can access field can print in form? my form {!! form::model($keywordsplan, ['route' => ['', 'company' => $company], 'method' => 'post', 'class' => 'form-horizontal keywords-plan-form']) !!} <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> {!! form::label('date') !!}

big o - Big O algorithms minimum time -

i know problems, no matter algorithm use solve it, there minimum amount of time required solve problem. know bigo captures worst-case (maximum time needed), how can find minimum time required function of n? can find minimum time needed sorting n integers, or perhaps maybe finding minimum of n integers? what looking called best case complexity . kind of useless analysis algorithms while worst case analysis important analysis , average case analysis used in special scenario. the best case complexity depends on algorithms. example in linear search best case is, when searched number @ beginning of array. or in binary search in first dividing point. in these cases complexity o(1). for single problem, best case complexity may vary depending on algorithm. example lest discuss basic sorting algorithms. in bubble sort best case when array sorted. in case have check element sure. best case here o(n). same goes insertion sort for quicksort/mergesort/heapsort best case compl

php - variable doesn't print the expected value? -

here code. database , tables created successfully, thing when try echo debug messages, way contains status , error messages acquired while running methods , queries. when try echo printing 00. not sure, think problem may using static (but want static way) , tried code in in different ways on own , after searching online different keywords, found lot didn't, thing don't know search for, wonder searching wrong keywords? thought of posting here. <?php //creates required databases & tables class database { public static $debug_message=""; //root private static $host="localhost"; private static $root="root"; private static $root_pass=""; //c db private static $user="c_user"; private static $pass="c_pass"; private static $db="c"; //tables static $student="student"; static $lecturer="lecturer"; //field sizes const sma

ios - AWS S3 Upload works on Simulator but not on Device -

i'm encountering interesting problem. trying upload file aws s3, works when run on simulator, when run on connected device (debug mode). when package app , deploy device, doesn't work. keep getting "request timed out". this code, - (void)uploadfileatpath:(nsstring *)filepath completionhandler:(void (^)(nsstring *, nserror *))handler { nsstring *filename = [filepath lastpathcomponent]; awss3getpresignedurlrequest *getpresignedurlrequest = [awss3getpresignedurlrequest new]; getpresignedurlrequest.bucket = self.bucketname; getpresignedurlrequest.key = filename; getpresignedurlrequest.httpmethod = awshttpmethodput; getpresignedurlrequest.expires = [nsdate datewithtimeintervalsincenow:3600]; nsstring *filecontenttypestr = @"application/zip"; getpresignedurlrequest.contenttype = filecontenttypestr; [[[awss3presignedurlbuilder defaults3presignedurlbuilder] getpresignedurl:getpresignedurlrequest] continuewithblock:^

how to hide an image when server call succeed in angularjs and html -

hello making demo of show , hide image on server calls,i have put loader image on html page , put gif file src,now image displaying,but want hide when succeed server call,my code below pls me how hide it, html <center><img src="images/plswait.gif" alt="what image shows" height="50" width="50" ng-show="show===5" ></center> **js** app.controller('listingdetailcontroller', function ($http, $scope, $compile, $filter, $sce) { var searchtxt = 'cay'; var url = encodeuri(""); var page = gallery.getcurrentpage(); var fkcategory = page.options.params; var lat=''; var lng = ''; var img = ''; var title = ''; var phone = ''; var web = ''; var email = ''; $scope.show5 = true; // console.log("

javascript - How to get game end result using API for, etc game streaming sites? -

i'm trying integrate game streaming site website. how game end result using api , etc game streaming sites? need know or team wins after match ends. there api this? or there mechanism game end result?

java - ClassCast Expcetion in Bar char using MPAndroidChart jar -

i new in website worked on chart technology when deploy code , run give class cast exception . there not error on code . please 1 me . find below main activity class and main.xml . public class mainactivity extends activity { private linearlayout mainlayout; private piechart mchart; // we're going display pie chart smartphones martket shares private float[] ydata = { 5, 10, 15, 30, 40 }; private string[] xdata = { "sony", "huawei", "lg", "apple", "samsung" }; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); mainlayout = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(; mchart = new piechart(this); // add pie chart main layout mainlayout.addview(mchart); mainlayout.setbackgroundcolor(color.parsecolor("#55656c")); // configure pie chart mchart.setusepercentvalues(true); mchart.setdescription("smartphones market share");

Calling WCF service from jQuery with Ajax,but the parameters are'nt passed.(ASP.NET) -

i'm developing microsoft visual studio 2013 community edition (webforms,visual basic). in jquery script,calling wcf service ajax. when press button 'loginme' , in "function fnverifyid (byval id string, byval pass string) ", "id" , "pass" 'nothing'.(i saw in firefox debugger.) but insted of "para",in case using "data: { id: "testid", pass: "testpass" }" (in comment),the parameter passed expected ,for reason. 【test.aspx】 <%@ page title="" language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" masterpagefile="~/" codebehind="test.aspx.vb" inherits="shop.daishin" %> <%--<asp:content id="content1" contentplaceholderid="headcontent" runat="server"> </asp:content> <asp:content id="content2" contentplaceholderid="featuredcontent" runat="server&q

c# - Find distinct column id and column count with condition -

i have table bookorder_t columns follows orderid,bookid, ordersuccess . want find bookids ordersuccess= 1, , count of book ids. suppose bookorder_t orderid bookid ordersuccess ---------------------------- 100 1 1 101 1 null 102 1 1 103 2 1 104 2 1 106 1 1 my expected result is bookid count 1 3 2 2 how write query in in linq? this should give correct result:- var result = db.bookorder_t.where(x => x.ordersuccess == 1) .groupby(x => x.bookid) .select(x => new { bookid = x.key, count = x.count() });

Sending Image from c# whatsapp api -

i'am trying send image whatsapp api c# application there code : byte[] buffer = file.readallbytes(op.filename); wa.sendmessageimage(user.getfulljid() + "", buffer, apibase.imagetype.gif);"ok"); it gives me error : an unhandled exception of type 'system.exception' occurred in whatsappapi.dll additional information: bintreenodereader->readlistsize: invalid token 231

jquery - How To Get Input Value That Saved Before -

i have following function: $(function () { $('#phone-number').keyup(function(){ var pnumber=$(this).val(); $('.phone-number').text(pnumber) }); }); i can value after keyup event have problem value saved in input text when user double clicks on input. way #phone-number input type text , .phone-number div $('#phone-number').val('78908'); $('#phone-number').on("keyup change", function () { var pnumber = $(this).val(); $('.phone-number').text(pnumber) }); $('#phone-number').change(); demo are looking this?i added initial value called change event manually mean?no need double click input box because no 1 double clicks input text user type in input text

html - Display result using IF/ELSE in PHP -

i have sample code problem. want if search "helloworld" want inform user there's no data matched based inputted data. im thinking if can use if else statement validation if data inputted didn't matched rows , if inputted data matched rows. visualized solution problem think method solution don't how can this. think solution put if else condition here's code how thought it if result of search not nothing show result if nothing message appear "no data matched" <?php if(isset($_post['search'])) { $valuetosearch = $_post['valuetosearch']; // search in table columns // using concat mysql function $query = "select * `users` concat(`id`, `fname`, `lname`, `age`) '%".$valuetosearch."%'"; $search_result = filtertable($query); } else { $query = "select * `users`"; $search_result = filtertable($query); } // function connect , execute query function filtertable($query) { $connect = mysqli_con

r - R3.4.1 Read data from multiple .csv files -

i'm trying build function can import/read several data tables in .csv files, , compute statistics on selected files. each of 332 .csv file contains table same column names: date, pollutant , id. there lot of missing values. this function wrote far, compute mean of values pollutant: pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, id = 1:332) { library(dplyr) setwd(directory) good<-c() (i in (id)){ task1<-read.csv(sprintf("%03d.csv",i)) } p<-select(task1, pollutant) good<-c(good,complete.cases(p)) mean(p[good,]) } the problem have each time goes through loop new file read , data read replaced data new file. end function working fine 1 single file, not when want select multiple files e.g. if ask id=10:20, end mean calculated on file 20. how change code can select multiple files? thank you! my answer offers way of doing want (if understood correctly) without using loop. 2 assumptions are: (1) have 332 *.csv files

jquery - Efficient, concise way to find next matching sibling? -

sticking official jquery api, there more concise, not less efficient, way of finding next sibling of element matches given selector other using nextall :first pseudo-class? when official api, mean not hacking internals, going straight sizzle, adding plug-in mix, etc. (if end having that, it, that's not question is.) e.g, given structure: <div>one</div> <div class='foo'>two</div> <div>three</div> <div class='foo'>four</div> <div>five</div> <div>six</div> <div>seven</div> <div class='foo'>eight</div> if have div in this (perhaps in click handler, whatever) , want find next sibling div matches selector "", can this: var nextfoo = $(this).nextall(""); ...and works (if start "five", instance, skips "six" , "seven" , finds "eight" me), it's clunky , if want match fir