java - Spring boot not returning the error page -


<section class="col-md-12 col-lg-12 datesection">     <form action="html/pmdreview.html" method="get">         <input title="choose date" class="datepicker-here" data-position="left top" name="date" id="date" required/>         <input title="review full org" type="checkbox" name="reviewfullorg" id="reviewfullorg"/>         <input type="submit" value="fetch data">     </form> </section> 

error controller :

@controller public class apperrorcontroller implements errorcontroller{      /**      * error attributes in application      */     private errorattributes errorattributes;      private final static string error_path = "/error";      /**      * controller error controller      * @param errorattributes      */     public apperrorcontroller(errorattributes errorattributes) {         this.errorattributes = errorattributes;     }      /**      * supports html error view      * @param request      * @return      */     @requestmapping(value = error_path, produces = "text/html")     public modelandview errorhtml(httpservletrequest request) {         return new modelandview("/errors/error", geterrorattributes(request, false));     }      /**      * supports other formats json, xml      * @param request      * @return      */     @requestmapping(value = error_path)     @responsebody     public responseentity<map<string, object>> error(httpservletrequest request) {         map<string, object> body = geterrorattributes(request, gettraceparameter(request));         httpstatus status = getstatus(request);         return new responseentity<map<string, object>>(body, status);     }      /**      * returns path of error page.      *      * @return error path      */     @override     public string geterrorpath() {         return error_path;     }       private boolean gettraceparameter(httpservletrequest request) {         string parameter = request.getparameter("trace");         if (parameter == null) {             return false;         }         return !"false".equals(parameter.tolowercase());     }      private map<string, object> geterrorattributes(httpservletrequest request,                                                    boolean includestacktrace) {         requestattributes requestattributes = new servletrequestattributes(request);         return this.errorattributes.geterrorattributes(requestattributes,                 includestacktrace);     }      private httpstatus getstatus(httpservletrequest request) {         integer statuscode = (integer) request                 .getattribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code");         if (statuscode != null) {             try {                 return httpstatus.valueof(statuscode);             }             catch (exception ex) {             }         }         return httpstatus.internal_server_error;     } } 

i not able display error page mentioned in apperrorcontroller. if code throws error, debugger hits public responseentity<map<string, object>> error(httpservletrequest request) { code redirects me pmdreview.html page. empty 1 without data.

the line new responseentity<map<string, object>>(body, status); in apperrorcontroller has error information.

i need redirect error page. missing something?


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