javascript - Google Sign-in: how to avoid popup dialog if user is already signed in by using listeners? -

right i'm using auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {}, onsuccess, onerror);. works, if i've signed in, dialog box opens , closes right away rather ugly. there way around using listeners?

i played around example i'm not sure if listening changes current user need, , check of googleuser seems risky.

auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({client_id: 'xxxxx'}); auth2.currentuser.listen(function (user) {       googleuser = user;       if (typeof(googleuser.getbasicprofile()) !== 'undefined')         document.getelementbyid('signupasgoogle').addeventhandler('click', popuplateform);       else         auth2.attachclickhandler(document.getelementbyid('signupasgoogle'), {}, onsuccess, onerror); 

is there better way? thanks

here did solve same problem!

auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({     clientid: '${clientid}',     cookiepolicy: '${cookie_policy}', });  auth2.currentuser.listen(function (googleuser) {     if (googleuser.issignedin()) {         // login(googleuser) function     } else {         auth2.attachclickhandler("your button", {},             function (googleuser) {                 // login(googleuser) function             }, function (error) {             });     } }); 


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