javascript - how to get result of getjson promise inside $.when function? -

using following code try data of 2 getjson calls array when both getjson called completed. code give me error:

resultfromurl1.feed undefined var entry1 = resultfromur11.feed.entry; 

i looked @ f12 saw both getjson executed no data put array! how fix error ? furthermor should use $.when(url1promise, url2promise).then or $.when(url1promise, url2promise).done ?

<javascript>      var files = new array();          function pushtoarray() {              //first getjson call             var url1 = "";             var url1promise = $.getjson(url1, function (data) {                 console.log("url1 success");             });//end of ajax call              //second getjson call             var url2 = "";             var url2promise = $.getjson(url2, function (data) {                 console.log("url2 success");             });//end of function              $.when(url1promise, url2promise).then(function (resultfromurl1, resultfromurl2) {                 var entry1 = resultfromurl1.feed.entry;                 var entry2 = resultfromurl2.feed.entry;                  var entry = entry1.concat(entry2);                  $(entry).each(function () {                     // column names name, age, etc.                     count++;                     files.push({ url: this.gsx$url.$t, filename: this.gsx$name.$t });                             alert(files.length);                             print_r(files);                             console.log(files);                   });               });         }//end of function              </javascript>             <body onload="pushtoarray()"> 

jquery ajax functions bit of pain use $.when(). is in resultfromurl1 array of 3 values this: [data, textstatus, jqxhr].

so, need change to:

var entry1 = resultfromurl1[0].feed.entry; var entry2 = resultfromurl2[0].feed.entry; 

in addition, should add error handler $.when().then() construct can see if errors occurred in getjson() calls.


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