wordpress - Add a custom field to Contact Form 7 tag -

i'd add custom field cf7 tag. ( see image ) there add_filter hook can use ? please me.

thankk example image

well, may have misunderstood want , :

this how cf7 register text fields shorttags :

add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'wpcf7_add_shortcode_text' );  function wpcf7_add_shortcode_text() {     wpcf7_add_shortcode(         array( 'text', 'text*', 'email', 'email*', 'url', 'url*', 'tel', 'tel*' ),         'wpcf7_text_shortcode_handler', true ); } 

note hook wpcf7_init function wpcf7_add_shortcode() , if make our own example :

add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'custom_add_shortcode_hello' );    function custom_add_shortcode_hello() {     wpcf7_add_shortcode( 'helloworld', 'custom_hello_shortcode_handler' ); // "helloworld" type of form-tag } 

and callback handler

function custom_hello_shortcode_handler( $tag ) {     return 'hello world ! '; } 

now if add in form

cf7 : [helloworld] 

you should see

cf7 : hello world !  

if want use normal form tags , note available default types :

text, text*, email, email*, tel, tel*, url, url*, textarea ,textarea* , number, number*, range , range* , date , date*,checkbox, checkbox*, radio, select , select* , file , file*, captchac ,captchar, quiz , acceptance, submit; 

now, wrote this, because far know ( , might wrong ) there no filter html form existing tag defined in function wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives() in modules/text.php

, can remove default tag ( example text ) using wpcf7_remove_shortcode( $tag ); , add own adapting example above need creating new 1 ( example text )

that being said , not sure yet , why want ( did not explained goal, way ) because imho , , after lot of cf7 custom plugins wrote , not understand why not create new tag , easier , more constructed .

but again, might wrong .


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