javascript - How can I properly close this jQuery statement -

i have been on 6 hours now. processed through several lint tools , various other online tests, , cannot below statement close properly. there persistent error being generated on last line, lint says } required, tried among many other variations of }, )} }) w/ , w/out ; , many other variations of 2x 3x or more closing brackets, parentheses , semi-colons. checked , rechecked opening , closing statements ensure match up. assume not seeing something!

if fresh set of eyes can @ , see missing , doing wrong.

(function ($) { "use strict";  var slider = null;  $(document).on("mouseover", '.bb_menu_item', function () {     slider.stopauto();     slider.gotoslide($(this).attr('index')); });  $(document).on("mouseout", '.bb_menu_item', function () {     slider.startauto(); });  $(document).ready(function () {     if ($('#bbslider').length) {         slider = $('#bb_slider').bxslider({             controls: false,             pager: false,             auto: true,             slidewidth: 1030,             responsive: true,             mode:"fade"          });     }           $('.tab-linker').click(function () {         window.location.href = '';         //return false;         location.reload(false);     });      // custom homepage slider     $(".slider-home").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });       //     $(".slider-services").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });     //     $(".slider-gallery").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });     //     $(".slider-about").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });     //     $(".slider-contact").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });     //     $(".slider-links").click(function (event) {         event.preventdefault();         window.location = "";     });  });  

given program starts (function() { (without indentation!), need close iefe a


in end (after existing }); matches $(document).ready(function () {).


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