java - Replace reoccurring substring with array values when there are more substrings than values -

public static string updatedstr() {     string [] ar= {"green","red","purple","black"};      string str="the colors (blue), (blue), , (yellow). prefer (orange)";      stringbuilder out = new stringbuilder ();     int x = 0;     int pos = 0;      for(int = str.indexof('(', 0); != -1; = str.indexof('(', + 1)) {         out.append (str.substring(pos,i)); // add part between last ) , next (         out.append (ar[x++]); // add replacement word         pos = str.indexof(')', i) + 1;     }      out.append (str.substring(pos)); // add part after final )     return out.tostring (); } 

i able replace whatever inside parentheses elements string array.

here, achieve output of

"the colors green, red, , purple. prefer black."

now, trying implement scenario string [] ar= {"green","red"}.

i output

"the colors green, red, , (yellow). prefer (orange)."

as can see, rest of original string remains untouched due there not being enough values replace them.

so far, have tried using while loop before loop prevent arrayindexoutofboundserror, still getting error.

you need declare new variable counting how many replacements have been made , stop when has reached array length.

public static string updatedstr() {     string [] ar= {"green","red"};     string str="the colors (blue), (blue), , (yellow). prefer (orange)";      stringbuilder out = new stringbuilder ();     int x = 0;     int pos = 0;     int added=0;     for(int = str.indexof('(', 0); != -1 && added<ar.length; = str.indexof('(', + 1)) {         out.append (str.substring(pos,i)); // add part between last ) , next (         out.append (ar[x++]); // add replacement word         pos = str.indexof(')', i) + 1;     }     out.append (str.substring(pos)); // add part after final )     return out.tostring (); } 


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