ios - App Crashes on Launch w/ Testflight -

i'm having problems app submitted apple submission asked re-do simple marketing issue (we needed remove image of app screen had third party apps).

unfortunately, when have prepared app re-submission , distribute via testflight app crashes on launch. subsequent launch works, however. happens testflight build - when release build xcode using production provisioning profile works, , when debug build works. thinking must have made mistake pulled exact commit repo previous submission, crashing exact same way.

only ipad mini 2 reports crash logs via xcode organizer (my iphone 6 not), , read (though checked box include debug symbols):

incident identifier: bdc2e493-9794-42d8-b9f6-f74def432aa2 beta identifier:     f34f1b0b-44f0-4e9c-a8f6-46861edb0b39 hardware model:      ipad4,4 process:             app [6660] path:                /private/var/mobile/containers/bundle/application/1edc2e96-e4e0-4148-af7d-478a8c2fa5d9/my app identifier: version:             29 (1.0) beta:                yes code type:           arm-64 (native) parent process:      launchd [1]  date/time:           2015-10-02 11:49:41.41 -0700 launch time:         2015-10-02 11:49:39.39 -0700 os version:          ios 9.0 (13a341) report version:      105  exception type:  exc_breakpoint (sigtrap) exception codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x00000001004b4f5c triggered thread:  0  thread 0 name: thread 0 crashed: 0   libswiftcore.dylib              0x00000001004b4f5c specialized _fatalerrormessage(staticstring, staticstring, staticstring, uint) -> () + 44 1   app                      0x000000010011bb50 0x1000fc000 + 129872 2   app                      0x000000010010e954 0x1000fc000 + 76116 3   libdispatch.dylib               0x0000000198b817b0 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 (init.c:761) 4   libdispatch.dylib               0x0000000198b81770 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 (object.m:513) 5   libdispatch.dylib               0x0000000198b86e20 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4cf + 1844 (inline_internal.h:1063) 6   corefoundation                  0x0000000183a78258 __cfrunloop_is_servicing_the_main_dispatch_queue__ + 12 (cfrunloop.c:1615) 7   corefoundation                  0x0000000183a760c0 __cfrunlooprun + 1628 (cfrunloop.c:2721) 8   corefoundation                  0x00000001839a4dc0 cfrunlooprunspecific + 384 (cfrunloop.c:2814) 9   graphicsservices                0x000000018e920088 gseventrunmodal + 180 (gsevent.c:2247) 10  uikit                           0x000000018907ef60 uiapplicationmain + 204 (uiapplication.m:3663) 11  app                      0x000000010011afe8 0x1000fc000 + 126952 12  libdyld.dylib                   0x0000000198bb28b8 start + 4 (start_glue.s:80) 

i can't figure out what's causing this, nor how i'll able test , confirm it's fix without re-submitting testflight , waiting.

i suspect may apple problem, i'm nervous re-submitting knowing there may crash in app. know might cause this?


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