how to hide an image when server call succeed in angularjs and html -

hello making demo of show , hide image on server calls,i have put loader image on html page , put gif file src,now image displaying,but want hide when succeed server call,my code below pls me how hide it,


<center><img src="images/plswait.gif" alt="what image shows" height="50" width="50" ng-show="show===5" ></center>  **js**         app.controller('listingdetailcontroller', function ($http, $scope, $compile, $filter, $sce) {          var searchtxt = 'cay';         var url = encodeuri("");          var page = gallery.getcurrentpage();          var fkcategory = page.options.params;          var lat='';          var lng = '';          var img = '';          var title = '';           var phone = '';          var web  = '';          var email = '';          $scope.show5 = true;     //         console.log("===iside details======"+fkcategory);          $scope.img = "";          $http({             method: 'post',             url:  api_host+'/webservice/listingdetail',             headers:                     {                         'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',                         'caymanauth': caymanauth                     },             data: "&catid=" + fkcategory + "&searchtxt=" + searchtxt,             contenttype: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'         }).success(function (data)         {                 $scope.show5 = true; 

why don't set $scope.wait = false on success function of ajax call ?


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