authentication - Django, How to get user sign up statistics? -

i have django project using allauth handle user logins , signups.

all trying have way view sign-up stats. nice see how many user sign-ups there today vs yesterday , forth. not need fancy graphs or reports, numbers.

i have done quite lot of research on , haven't seen clean cut solution. have solution this?


you can filter fromuser using date joined field according time.

from django.contrib.auth.models import user import datetime  today ='%y-%m-%d') yesterday = yesterday = yesterday.strftime('%y-%m-%d') this_month ='%m') this_year ='%y')  today_signups =  user.objects.filter(date_joined__gte=today).count() this_month_signups = user.objects.filter(date_joined__month=this_month,                                          date_joined__year=this_year).count() 

hope helps!!!!


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