passing a variable string through a textfield for a digital clock in java fxml -

im building stop watch digital , analog clock having trouble printing digital clock value because im unsure how pass string fxml.

why when try id="digitaltext" textfield in fxml program fails if write using text="00:00" work properly(just text 00:00 though no updating digital clock of course). have hoped giving id print value inside it.

the controller

package tds7xbstopwatchfxml;  import java.awt.textfield; import; import java.util.resourcebundle; import javafx.animation.animation; import javafx.animation.keyframe; import javafx.animation.timeline; import javafx.event.actionevent; import javafx.fxml.fxml; import javafx.fxml.initializable; import javafx.scene.image.image; import javafx.scene.image.imageview; import javafx.util.duration;  public class fxmldocumentcontroller implements initializable {   @fxml private imageview clockface;  @fxml private imageview hand;  @fxml private textfield digitaltext;          string digital;  double rotation = 0.0; integer ms = 00; integer mm = 00;  timeline timeline = new timeline(         new keyframe(duration.millis(1000), (actionevent actionevent) -> {         updatetimer();         updatedigital();         }) );   @fxml private void stopbutton(actionevent event) {     timeline.stop(); }  @fxml private void startbutton(actionevent event) {;  }  @fxml private void resetbutton(actionevent event) {         rotation = 0.0;         ms = 0;         mm = 0;         hand.setrotate(0);         digital="00:00";         timeline.stop(); }  public void updatetimer() {     ms += 1000;     if (ms >= 60000) {         ms = 00;         mm++;     }      rotation = (ms / 60000.0) * 360.0;     hand.setrotate(rotation); }  public void updatedigital(){    if(ms/1000<10 && mm<10){        digital=("0" + string.valueof(mm) + ":" + "0"  + string.valueof(ms/1000));     }     if(ms/1000>=10 && mm <10){         digital=("0" + string.valueof(mm) + ":" + ""  + string.valueof(ms/1000));     }     if(mm>=10 && ms/1000<10){        digital=("" + string.valueof(mm) + ":" + "0"  + string.valueof(ms/1000));           }     if(mm>=10 && ms/1000>=10){        digital=("" + string.valueof(mm) + ":" + ""  + string.valueof(ms/1000));           }           }  @override public void initialize(url url, resourcebundle rb) {     clockface.setimage(new image(this.getclass().getresourceasstream("clockface.png")));     hand.setimage(new image(this.getclass().getresourceasstream("hand.png")));         timeline.setcyclecount(animation.indefinite);     digitaltext.settext(digital); }     } 

i know there better ways implement code digital clock want know passing changing string printed. digitaltext.settext(digital); cause crash

and fxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <?import javafx.scene.text.*?> <?import javafx.scene.image.*?> <?import java.lang.*?> <?import*?> <?import java.util.*?> <?import javafx.scene.*?> <?import javafx.scene.control.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>  <anchorpane id="anchorpane" prefheight="600.0" prefwidth="600.0" styleclass="mainfxmlclass" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="tds7xbstopwatchfxml.fxmldocumentcontroller">     <stylesheets>         <url value="@stopwatchui.css" />     </stylesheets>    <children>       <stackpane layouty="94.0" prefheight="150.0" prefwidth="200.0" anchorpane.bottomanchor="0.0" anchorpane.leftanchor="0.0" anchorpane.rightanchor="0.0" anchorpane.topanchor="175.0">          <children>             <imageview fx:id="clockface" fitheight="400.0" fitwidth="400.0" pickonbounds="true" preserveratio="true" />             <imageview fx:id="hand" fitheight="400.0" fitwidth="400.0" pickonbounds="true" preserveratio="true" />          </children>       </stackpane>       <textfield fx:id="digitaltext" alignment="center" editable="false" layoutx="204.0" layouty="123.0" prefheight="43.0" prefwidth="194.0">          <font>             <font name="arial" size="23.0" />          </font>       </textfield>       <button fx:id="stopbutton" layoutx="280.0" layouty="75.0" onaction="#stopbutton" text="stop" />       <button fx:id="startbutton" layoutx="204.0" layouty="75.0" onaction="#startbutton" text="start" />       <button fx:id="resetbutton" layoutx="353.0" layouty="75.0" onaction="#resetbutton" text="reset" />    </children> </anchorpane> 

you imported swing textfield, not javafx text field


import java.awt.textfield 


import java.scene.control.textfield;  


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