- Parse rate limit - what counts towards this limit? -

recently, have been hitting parse rate limit every time servers try upload data parse. not clear me why.

i use batch inserts, batch updates , batch deletes. throttle batch operations (0.25 seconds between operations) yet still in logs:

10/03/2015 04:05:17 loading parse 10/03/2015 04:05:50 inserted: 851 10/03/2015 04:05:50 updated: {u'code': 155, u'error': u'this application performed 1802 requests within past minute, , exceeded request limit. please retry in 1  minute or raise request limit.'} 

what not clear whether batch still counts individual operation or parse @ 50 inserts (for example). if what's point? if not treat batch individual operations how can 1802 requests broken down batches of 50 in 0.25 secs bursts hit limit?

and before ask, no app tester trying pull data asleep!!!

i followed/read various links including this 1 , this 1 still puzzled.

any advice appreciated.


according parse's plan faq:

batched requests counted based on number of operations performed in each batch.

the way read is: 1802 requests in batches of 50 still count 1802 operations.

there paragraphs in there regarding "how requests/second calculated" , causes 155 error code generated.


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