Retain Android Application info after crash -

i created custom application class keep global informations of app.

i need informations after application restarts crash. don't need store informations in disk because info user current session, if app crashed, should start user before crash.

i thought in 2 ways solve problem: 1-track variables changes , persist in sharedpreferences 2-always save in activity saveinstance , retain savedinstancebundle

the problem solution 1 overhead in every change. problem solution 2 need serialize every info.

do guys know other way solve problem? need store when app crashs , load after starting crash. in 2 scenarios.

i'm using following code track whenever app crashes, can show better crash screen user, , allows me send information crash server later debugging.

thread.setdefaultuncaughtexceptionhandler(new thread.uncaughtexceptionhandler() {     @override     public void uncaughtexception(thread thread, throwable ex) {         //get information , save information      } }); 

but warning, need set in every activity / service create 100% effective.

personally have 1 base class activities, , 1 services, , classes implement uncaughtexceptionhandler, can save alot of headeche , code copy-paste.


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