windows - Kill a Process by Looking up the Port being used by it from a .BAT -

in windows can port 8080 , try kill process using through .bat file?

here's command started:

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%p in ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') @echo taskkill.exe /pid %%p 

when you're confident in batch file, remove @echo.

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%p in ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') taskkill.exe /pid %%p 

note might need change different os's. example, on windows 7 might need tokens=5 instead of tokens=4.

how works

for /f ... %variable in ('command') othercommand %variable... 

this lets execute command, , loop on output. each line stuffed %variable, , can expanded out in othercommand many times like, wherever like. %variable in actual use can have single-letter name, e.g. %v.

"tokens=4 delims= " 

this lets split each line whitespace, , take 4th chunk in line, , stuffs %variable (in our case, %%p). delims looks empty, space significant.

netstat -a -n -o 

just run , find out. according command line help, "displays connections , listening ports.", "displays addresses , port numbers in numerical form.", , "displays owning process id associated each connection.". used these options since else suggested it, , happened work :)


this takes output of first command or program (netstat) , passes onto second command program (findstr). if using directly on command line, instead of inside command string, use | instead of ^|.

findstr :8080 

this filters output passed it, returning lines contain :8080.

taskkill.exe /pid <value> 

this kills running task, using process id.

%%p instead of %p 

this required in batch files. if did on command prompt, use %p instead.


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