Convert a line of text generated in a javascript file into a clickable link in HTML -

sorry incredibly lame question, brand new programmer answers i've found while searching day other problems not specific me decided i'd post it.

i have taken upon myself convert sample "random quote generator" program found small web based app can produce random links @ touch of button, found out replacing example quotes links of choice produced normal un-clickable text.

i have tried many things relating messing div's , id tags nothing works me.

my code html follows:

<html> <head>     <title>simpsons episode generator</title> </head> <body>     <h1>simpsons episode generator</h1><br>     <img src="" alt="mr burns box">      <div id="linkdisplay">         <!-- link pop here -->     </div>      <!-- button call javascript , prduce link -->     <button onclick="newlink()">new episode</button>      <!-- javascript declared -->     <script src="javascript.js"></script> </body> </html> 

so can see, calls javascript run randomiser prints result.

the javascript follows:

//links episodes var links = [     '',     '',     '',     '',     '',     '' ];  //select 1 link @ random , push html function newlink() {     var randomlink = math.floor(math.random() * (links.length));     document.getelementbyid('linkdisplay').innerhtml = links[randomlink]; } 

all want make click html receiving after button pressed clickable.

thanks reading , sorry asking such simple sounding question have been looking day how myself...

if want navigate url, don't need "click link", can change location of window:

window.location.href = links[randomlink]; 

if want make link location, people can click it, make <div> <a>

<a id="linkdisplay" href='#' /> 

(the # means go top of page) , update href needed:

document.getelementbyid('linkdisplay').href = links[randomlink]; 


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