Uncomment java code in eclipse shortcut -

i comment java code multiple lines using shortcut ctrl + shift + /. :

 /*  * system.out.println("shree"); test123 t = new test123();  *   * int result = t.mult(5, 5); system.out.println(result);  */ 

but when try uncomment it, looking this. uncomment used ctrl + shift + \

 * system.out.println("shree"); test123 t = new test123();  *   * int result = t.mult(5, 5); system.out.println(result); 

my question is, when used shortcut uncomment java code multiple line initial /* , end */ go * (asterix sign) before every line not go. have remove manually , time consuming.

so there shortcut give me solution , save time.

instead of commenting /* commented code */, use ctrl + shift + c comments/uncomments each of selected lines separately using //

i'm on eclipse mars, used work way in luna well.


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