How to change headers in a CSV file with 'CSV' then save the new headers in Ruby? -

i came across exact question i'm looking answer: "how change headers in csv file fastercsv save new headers?"

unfortunately, answer out of date because fastercsv no longer available solution.

here's example code given an answer question:

require 'fastercsv'  input = 'original.csv', 'r' output = 'modified.csv', 'w' fastercsv.filter input, output, :headers => true, :write_headers => true, :return_headers => true |row|   change_headers(row) if row.header_row? end input.close output.close 

but when tried implement recommended solution in own program realized ruby no longer allows fastercsv. , command line said:

please switch ruby 1.9's standard csv library. it's fastercsv plus support ruby 1.9's m17n encoding engine.

so tried removing 'faster' everywhere said "fastercsv'. except gave me:

undefined method `change_headers' main:object (nomethoderror)

what missing here?


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